All VideoSeeder OTO
VideoSeeder OTO 1, 2, 3: This Product is By Cyril Jeet, Comes with 3 Front End Options and 3 OTOs. The 1st VideoSeeder OTO is different for all three Front End Options, the 2nd OTO is Developer & Professional Rights, the 3rd OTO is Reseller License. All info & Links Here >>>>>
Front End - $37
VideoSeeder Pro – $ 47. With this powerful upgrade, you will get these pro level features.
Unlimited video accounts The chance to have as much video accounts as you want
Sharing on multiple platforms at the same time.
You receive agency license.
Done for you sales pages to recruit customers.
3 Licenses with VA & VPS License
You will get URL shorter by
Two years free upgrade available
VideoSeeder Agency – $ 97. With VideoSeeder Agency version you will be able to sell VideoSeeder accounts and keep 100% of the profits. This is a very good offer for you, because you will be able to get back their VideoSeeder investments with just 1-2 sales.
Government Channel Builder – $ 47. This Channel Authority Builder will help you to build authority channels on YouTube by using the authority and the secret strategies of the top channels in their particular niches.
Playtraffic Pro – $ 47. This will benefit you to get more traffic to any site you want or a YouTube channel that uses YouTube playlists.
What is VideoSeeder
Videoseeder Review is The Most Powerful Video Marketing & Publishing Automation App That Gets You The Maximum Traffic From Multiple Platforms.
I discovered something in video marketing that made me want to reach out to you immediately and you need to pay attention. Especially, if you’re using any sort of SAAS video syndication app. You could be putting your social media and video accounts at risk. The reason is simple. If you’re using a SAAS app to syndicate your videos, they are using a very small pool of IPs to syndicate the videos. The same set of IPs used by scores, hundreds or even thousands of people.
What do you think is going to happen? Any spammer, scammer, unscrupulous character and shady person can kill the joy for everyone else in the pool. This software solves the issue. Introducing Videoseeder. Imagine getting shadow-banned (where YouTube and Google don’t rank your content) and not even realizing it? You could be blaming your videos, your marketing, your entire existence when it’s just some jerk spamming YouTube with phishing videos destroying your business. Don’t let that happen. Please. You can’t grow without syndication, but the wrong syndication will not give you a chance to grow. How about you explode your video performance in the right way then? Syndicate from your machine!
It could be your own laptop, your home computer or even a VPS, but the videos have to be pushed out from a computer under your control so that no scammer’s bad videos can affect you. Syndicate safely to 17 traffic-exploding sites. VideoSeeder runs directly from your computer and will syndicate your videos to 5 video sites and 12 social media sites on 100% autopilot.
Just Setup Your Triple-Pronged Traffic Driver & Never Look At It Again. Videoseeder Keeps Working Non-Stop:
Step 1: Put in all of your video, social, bookmarking and blog sites
Step 2: Feed in your videos
Step 3: Do somethingelse while Videoseeder works.
It’s by far the best thing in video syndication to hit the market. A product with all the advantages and benefits of syndication but none of the de-merits. Videoseeder went live today. It’s the best time to check this product and get it if it appeals to you. Right now it’s the cheapest.
Every single business owner is looking to be found online and now you can help them using Videoseeder Demo. Get Videoseeder now and you will also get a Commercial License which authorizes you to promote other people’s businesses using video sharing. You can charge them for the service or even give them away free as an add-on to your existing marketing offers. In fact, in just a few hours it’s going to be 30% more expensive. Take a minute from your time and get it out now.